Suicide is the leading cause of death for people under 35 years old in the UK
The number of suicides in people aged 15-19 in England is at its highest in 30 years
Every year, around 200 UK schoolchildren die by suicide
Over 68% of young LGBTQ people have had suicidal thoughts
Youth suicide is on the rise. We know that suicide can be prevented with timely intervention.
We work in schools, colleges, and universities across the country to help empower people to identify someone at risk and have lifesaving conversations. We offer free resources and deliver training to support parents and professionals to reduce suicide.
We could do more with more funding. By donating, sponsoring, or fundraising for us, you can help save lives. We are careful with your money, with around 85p of every £1 going straight into our life-saving work.
You can make a difference. By supporting us, you will be giving more people the tools to identify warning signs, talk to young people about suicide and signpost lifesaving resources to help reduce the number of young lives lost to suicide each year.
Find out how you can support us below.
We have a range of courses available that help professionals and the public support young people at risk:
This course empowers school staff to understand, identify and support young people at risk and provide effective interventions and ongoing support for young people who are struggling to cope. The course can be adapted for different school ages and staff, such as teachers or counsellors.
Full course: one day
Developing the skills and confidence to talk about suicide with young people openly and comfortably, using safe, respectful language.
Intro: 1.5 hours
Full course: half day
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a training course which teaches people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.
Intro: half day
Full course: two days
Delivering trauma-informed suicide prevention for children and young people.
Full course: one day
A course for professionals looking at the factors, considerations, and interventions when working with people who engage in self-harm.
Full course: half day
We know that men aged over 45 are an at-risk community and that suicide is also rising in women of all ages. This page focuses on youth resources and statistics, but our information and resources are for everyone, no matter their age.
The links below will take you to guidance that can be applied to everyone, including yourself.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please visit the Find Help Now resource.
Youth suicide is on the rise. We know that suicide can be prevented with timely intervention.
We work in schools, colleges, and universities across the country to help empower people to identify someone at risk and have lifesaving conversations. We offer free resources and deliver training to support parents and professionals to reduce suicide.
We could do more with more funding. By donating, sponsoring, or fundraising for us, you can help save lives. We are careful with your money, with around 85p of every £1 going straight into our life-saving work.
You can make a difference. By supporting us, you will be giving more people the tools to identify warning signs, talk to young people about suicide and signpost lifesaving resources to help reduce the number of young lives lost to suicide each year.
Find out how you can support us below.
We have a range of courses available that help professionals and the public support young people at risk:
This course empowers school staff to understand, identify and support young people at risk and provide effective interventions and ongoing support for young people who are struggling to cope. The course can be adapted for different school ages and staff, such as teachers or counsellors.
Full course: one day
Developing the skills and confidence to talk about suicide with young people openly and comfortably, using safe, respectful language.
Intro: 1.5 hours
Full course: half day
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a training course which teaches people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue.
Intro: half day
Full course: two days
Delivering trauma-informed suicide prevention for children and young people.
Full course: one day
A course for professionals looking at the factors, considerations, and interventions when working with people who engage in self-harm.
Full course: half day
At Grassroots Suicide Prevention, we start conversations. We’ll be talking to mental health professionals, people with lived experience, local government, researchers, educators and more about how their work connects to suicide and what we can do as a community to prevent suicide.
Listen to our teaser trailer and episodes below. Available wherever you get your podcasts..
Many of us – one in five – suffer from suicidal thoughts. Research shows that these thoughts can be interrupted and suicide can be prevented.
Some young people experience interrelated risk factors in their homes, families, schools and communities. Coupled with difficult experiences, feelings and situations, it can seem to them that death is preferable to the pain and difficulty of continuing to live. Behind every death lies a tragic and unique story of insurmountable pain.
It is important to not over-simplify what could have driven someone to take their life. We should not speculate about their emotional state and we should not try to look for what went wrong or who is to blame.
Young people in stable homes with good educational records and plenty of friends are still not immune from thoughts of suicide. It does not only impact young people with mental health issues. Many deaths occur among young people who are free from anxiety or depression.
It is most likely a combination of individual, relationship, community and societal risk factors that can increase the possibility that a young person will attempt suicide. You can find some examples below.
Most young people who are thinking about suicide will show one or more warning signs, through what they say or what they do.
You may see a change in behaviour or the presence of entirely new behaviours. This is of particular concern if the new or changed behaviour is related to a painful event, loss, or change.
Remember that young people are also going through changes like puberty, emotional development and much more. Some of the signs below could also just be part of being a young person, but it is always better to check in than not.
Here are some potential warning signs that a young person may be considering suicide:
There are some phrases and assumptions around suicide add to the weight of social stigma and shame that it carries. This stigma can be even more damaging to young people who may be going through difficult times with personal, emotional and social development.
When a young person at risk hears stereotypes, they can see it as confirmation that they are misunderstood, inadequate, alone or worthless. This makes them more likely to struggle in silence and can increase the chance that they will act on their suicidal thoughts.
Here are some of the most harmful suicide myths debunked. Click each myth to see the real facts and explanations.
Fact: Asking a young person about suicide can protect them.
Asking about suicide can seem daunting, especially with young people, but it is always safer to ask and give them the opportunity to get help and talk about their feelings.
A suicidal young person will already have heard of, thought about and possibly researched suicide. You will not be ‘planting’ an idea.
If a young person doesn’t know what suicide is when you ask, it is an opportunity to explain carefully and sensitively and give them the tools to express themselves in a healthy way and hopefully avoid suicidal thoughts in the future. Some younger children may not understand the word ‘suicide’ but use phrases like ‘sleep forever’ or ‘go to be with (a deceased person)’.
Conversations and language around suicide need to be carefully managed. Asking a young person if they’re having suicidal thoughts gives them permission to tell you how they feel and let them know they are not a burden.
Our youth-specific resource below has a comprehensive plan for a conversation about suicide.
Fact: Many suicidal crises can be relatively short-lived.
Most young people who feel suicidal do not want to end their lives, they just want the situation, pain or feelings to end.
The distinction may seem small, but it is very important. It’s why talking to young people about staying safe for now and finding the right help is so vital. Anyone can learn how to safely intervene until they can be connected with further support.
The feelings and experiences that cause suicidal thoughts can be particularly heightened in young people. It can help to remind them that intense feelings can and will pass, and they will not feel this way forever.
Fact: Anyone talking about suicide needs serious attention.
Threatening suicide is a serious sign that a young person needs help. It can be useful to reframe this – instead of thinking that ‘attention-seeking’ is negative, think practically. Of course this person is seeking attention, they are struggling with pain that they cannot manage. The attention they need may well save their lives.
Most people who die by suicide have talked about it first. Do not dismiss any mention of suicide, especially in young people, as ‘dramatic’ or ‘attention-seeking’. We should always take any mention of suicide seriously.
Fact: Warning signs, verbally or behaviourally, precede most suicides.
Most young people struggling with thoughts of suicide try to communicate that they need help. This could even be on an unconscious level.
Young people who are suicidal may only show warning signs to those closest to them. If those people don’t know what to look for or don’t recognise what’s going on, suicide can seem sudden or without warning.
It is so important to be alert to any changes in a young person’s behaviours, particularly if those changes are for the worse. A life event, parental divorce, bad grades, suspension or falling out with a friend or group can all be huge events in a young person’s life.
These subtle warning behaviours and comments can easily be missed, especially if many people see many sides of a young person’s struggle.
Fact: One in five people will think about suicide at some points in their life.
While mental health issues are widespread, it is important to remember that not everyone who dies by suicide has a mental health problem.
Youth suicide is complex and most likely a combination of individual, societal, relationship and community factors and should never be attributed to one thing exclusively.
Young people can have a lot to deal with at school, at home, internally and externally. Struggling to navigate their feelings does not make them mentally ill, and it is not a sign of ‘insanity’ to consider taking your life.
Fact: Young people who attempt suicide are suffering with deep and overwhelming feelings that could make them feel worthless, helpless or in despair.
They often feel they are a burden to others. They may believe that suicide is the only way out to end their intense suffering and pain.
Suicidal feelings can be heightened and made more intense in young people as they experience rapid changes socially, emotionally, hormonally and personally.
Reaching the point of considering suicide is never ‘easy’ and to suggest a suicidal person is being selfish may reinforce their negative thoughts and low self-worth.
Fact: Active suicidal ideation is often short-term and situation-specific.
Suicide is often an attempt to end painful emotions and thoughts. Once these thoughts dissipate, or a situation changes, so will the suicidal ideation.
Research shows that the most intense periods of feeling suicidal will change after around 24 hours and suicidal thoughts can be interrupted with timely intervention.
Young people may continue to have thoughts of suicide even after the worst periods have passed. This does not make them a constant danger to themselves, in fact, many people with suicidal thoughts live long and fulfilling lives.
The most important thing is to communicate effectively and safely with a young person, so that they know who to talk to and where to go when they start having these thoughts.
Timing is key. This is an important conversation and needs to be treated with respect.
You might want to start the conversation when they are down or upset, but this may be the time when young people are most likely to close down. Instead, ask when they’re having a good day and probably feeling more talkative.
Do remember that the young person’s internal monologue might be telling them that they’re not good enough, don’t deserve help, or are a failure. Allow them to direct the conversation – don’t ambush them or make them feel targeted.
Talking in a place where someone feels rushed may be uncomfortable and affect what they say.
It’s easier to talk to a young person when they are comfortable and not worried about showing emotions.
Take your time. Avoid trying to talk during a family mealtime, or late in the day when they are tired. Instead find a time when it’s just the two of you and you can talk as long as you need without having to rush off.
Many children and young people find it easier to talk while doing an activity.
Young people may feel less under pressure if they don’t have to maintain eye contact. It can also be helpful to focus on an activity as this gives you both space to pause, reflect and gather thoughts without awkward silences.
You could suggest going for a walk in a quiet or familiar place.
Some young people might not feel safe at home, but they may also feel anxiety in more public spaces. Nature can often help people to feel more relaxed, but it is important to check first.
It's important to show that you are genuinely concerned about a young person's experience.
Talking to a young person about how they are can be worrying, especially if you’re concerned that they’re having a hard time. You might not know what to say, or feel worried about how your child will react.
Here are some suggestions on how to start the conversation:
How are you feeling?
What was the best and worst part of your day?
It seems like you’ve been struggling lately. Are you comfortable talking with me about what’s going on?
I’ve noticed you’ve had a couple of down days lately, can you let me know how you’re feeling or what you’re thinking about?
It is important to be direct, clear and avoid euphemism. This might be difficult, so remember that it is important to know the answer.
When they answer, listen with empathy and without judgement. Be careful not to look shocked or upset as they may then be less open in what they say. Be prepared to listen, even if it’s hard to hear, and try to stay calm.
Below are some different types of questions that might help to guide the rest of your conversation.
Reassure them that they matter to you and that you’re here to listen and support them and that you don’t need to rush off.
Many people who feel suicidal will feel worthless and you patiently prioritising the conversation will mean a lot.
If so, ask how their feelings changed last time. Reassure them that they won’t feel this way forever, and that intensity of feelings can reduce in time.
Encourage them to focus on getting through the present rather than focussing on the future.
This is important.
People who have made a plan are at more risk. Let them know that you care about them and that they aren’t alone.
Try to offer hope and suggest that people can find ways to get through tough times and that you will help them.
Ask about their reasons for living and dying and listen to their answers. Focus on people they care about, and who care about them.
Keep asking open-ended questions – this means there isn’t a yes or no answer, but an opportunity for them to speak more, encouraging the conversation.
Encourage them to seek help that they are comfortable with. This could be a doctor, therapist, counsellor or one of the many resources listed for young people here.
© 2024 Grassroots Suicide Prevention, registered charity number 1149873 and a company limited by guarantee 5687263
Globally, 250,000 women take their own lives every year.
This World Suicide Prevention Day, you can help support women at risk by donating or training with us.
*between 2012-2022, ONS data