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Downloadable resources

Colourful booklet cover.

This booklet is a suicide prevention resource for East and West Sussex packed full of useful information to help you stay safe.

StayAlive Booklet

National crisis resources digital leaflet with live links to helplines and websites. Includes risk factors (gambling, homelessness, etc.) and bereavement support.

National Crisis Resources (with links)

Print-ready Crisis Resources (PDF)

Brighton & Hove crisis resources leaflet (A5 folded). Includes risk factors (gambling, homelessness, etc.) and bereavement support.

B&H Local Crisis Flyer (PDF)

Printable, research-based Safety Plan and Reasons for Living worksheet.

Safety Plan worksheet (PDF)

Double-sided printable, foldable National pocket resource.

National resource (PDF)

Double-sided printable, foldable pocket resource for Brighton & Hove.

Brighton & Hove resource (PDF)

Double-sided printable, foldable pocket resource for East Sussex.

East Sussex resource (PDF)

Double-sided printable, foldable pocket resource for LGBTQ people in Brighton & Hove.

LGBTQ resource (PDF)

Leaflets for young people
Produced by PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide

Anxiety, it’s symptoms, panic attacks, what you can do to help yourself when you feel anxious, treatments plus information about anxiety and suicide.

Anxiety leaflet (PDF)

Being yourself during change. How to take on new challenges and adapt to changes. Also includes info on how to help someone during change.

Change leaflet (PDF)

Bereavement. How it can feel, what you can do to help yourself, tips on supporting someone. and where to get help.

Bereavement leaflet (PDF)

Communicating with Young People. Is a child or young person you know having thoughts of suicide? A 4-step guide to helping them.

Communicating leaflet (PDF)

Coping with Exams has lots of practical tips on how to reduce stress before and after exams.

Exams leaflet (PDF)

Self-Harm talks about what causes someone to self-harm, what you can do if you self-harm or are worried about someone. Includes some interesting myths and facts.

Self-Harm leaflet (PDF)

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity talks about the difficulties and positive aspects of being LGBTQ+. Includes definitions of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Sexuality and Gender leaflet (PDF)


Suicide bereavement resource

Produced by Public Health England and the National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA)

Help is at Hand

A guide for those bereaved by suicide. Some sections focus on how you may be feeling; others on what may be happening. Throughout, there are suggestions for sources of further support.

View Help is at Hand (external site)

There has been a 32% increase* in women's suicides

Globally, 250,000 women take their own lives every year. 

This World Suicide Prevention Day, you can help support women at risk by donating or training with us.

*between 2012-2022, ONS data