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London Triathlon

The London Triathlon – Individual Sprint Distance


Provisionally set for 5th August, this 2 day triathlon festival is designed to soak up the summer sun and take in the London sights. Participants will love the support of the 30,000 strong crowds along the course and, for an extra challenge, sign up for triathlons on both Saturday and Sunday.


For the Individual Sprint, the race length is: Swim 750m, Bike 20km, Run 5km.


When you join Team Grassroots, you will benefit from:

  • No joining fee to register.
  • Free Branded Vest, so you can proudly represent people affected by suicide whilst training.
  • Our Fundraising Pack, which includes a range of tips, inspirational ideas, and advice.
  • Regular check ins, and progress updates.
  • Access to a strong online social community of Team Grassroots Members like yourself.
  • Access to a complimentary mental health and suicide prevention training session.


Charity Place Fundraising Target: £500


Registration Fee: £0


Aug 05 2023


All Day

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£500 Fundraising Pledge



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