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A Nurse’s Perspective: From Training to Fundraising

Phoebe is a final year student studying to be a Mental Health Nurse. She is also a keen runner and has signed up to support Grassroots in the London Half Marathon and the Brighton Half Marathon as a member of the Grassroots Runners.

Last week she attended the SFA: Suicide First Aid training delivered by Grassroots. She kindly sat down with us to share her thoughts on the training and her experience.

“In late November 2020, in the middle of a pandemic, everything has gone virtual!

Pheobe stands in front of a field with a small, white, handsome dog upright in her arms.

I am a student Mental Health Nurse, in my final year, and I have been wanting to learn more about suicide prevention before I am sent off in the qualified world.

I was so lucky to be given the chance to attend Grassroots’ Suicide First Aid training virtually. The training was straight to the point, and crystal clear to understand. Throughout the day we learnt about understanding suicide, where suicide behaviour may have come from, about the suicide safety guide and the three-step conversation that can save a life. But also, very importantly, the training reminded us to look after ourselves too. There is much more information in this training, but I will leave that for you to find for yourself.

After completing this training, I decided I wanted to do what I can to support Grassroots Suicide Prevention and will be becoming a Grassroots Runner! Running for me is a stress reliever and an outlet from the mad world we live in, to be able to run and raise money for such a worthy cause makes me proud.

I could not recommend this training enough! It has inspired me to continue learning about suicide prevention and what I can do to help and get my City and Guilds qualification in Suicide Prevention.

Let the learning continue and the fundraising begin!

– Phoebe

You can support Phoebe’s fundraising efforts for Grassroots through JustGiving.

A huge thanks to Phoebe for her sharing her experience and supporting Grassroots!

Grassroots Runners page | SFA: Suicide First Aid course

Did you know 1 in 5 people will have suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives?

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