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Alright Mate

Alright Mate?

Men’s suicide prevention campaign

This campaign focuses on encouraging male friends to look out for each other. The aim is to foster open and direct conversations about any concerns, including thoughts of suicide and mental health issues.

Young and middle aged men are roughly three times more likely to take their own lives than women. Suicide is the single biggest killer of men aged under 45 in the UK, with 76 per cent of all suicides in 2014 being men (ONS, NISRA, GRO 2014).

Figures show that 1 in 40 think about suicide over the course of a year. Locally Brighton & Hove has had a higher rate of deaths by suicide than the national average for more than a century, with significant higher rates of suicide among men aged 36-64 years old. The latest figures show us as the ninth highest among local authority areas in England; Brighton & Hove is ranked 136 of 144 local authorities.

Are you thinking about suicide? Here are 5 suggestions to consider:

  1. Wait. Decide not to do anything right now to hurt yourself. You do not have to act on your thoughts of suicide. Suicidal behaviour is an attempt to solve what feels like an overwhelming set of problems. When we are struggling to cope, our mind closes down on creativity and our problem solving skills become much more limited. Your thoughts and feelings CAN change.
  2. Talk to someone; it could be a friend or family member, or a support service of some kind. There are people who want to listen and who can help you
  3. If talking is difficult, there is online support here. Someone who wants to help you is just a click away.
  4. Try to keep yourself safe for now
  5. Spend some time thinking about what your reasons for living might be

Worried about someone?

  • Be alert – Not everyone who thinks about suicide will tell someone, but there may be warning signs.
  • Be honest – Tell the person why you’re worried about them, and ask about suicide. Tell them you want to know how they really are, and that it’s OK to talk about suicide.
  • Listen – Just listening is one of the most helpful things you can do. Try not to judge or give advice.
  • Get them some help – It’s OK if you don’t know how; the ideas on our Suicide Prevention Resources web page can get you started.
  • Take care of yourself – You may find it helpful to discuss your feelings with another friend, or a confidential service.


Please note: As of 4 Sep 2019, this page is no longer being actively updated. For latest support service contact details, check our Find Help Now pages.

If you are thinking about suicide and perhaps don’t think you have anyone to talk to, support is available across the UK.

You may also find Mind in Brighton & Hove’s page on Men’s Mental Health useful.

Street art campaign

Painted electrical box with the Alright Mate messge on it
An artist stencils text on top of a design
The finished box - front
The finished box - Back

Download your own ‘Alright Mate’ posters

Download the poster’s below and share with friends, family members or co-workers.

Download the wallet card

Download the wallet card below and use it as an opportunity to ask a friend about suicide.

This campaign is in partnership with

  • Samaritans Brighton, Hove & District
  • mankind
  • Mind Out
  • Psychology Sussex

This campaign is funded and supported by

Brighton & Hove City Council

Did you know 1 in 5 people will have suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives?

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