I was blown away by the quality of the suicide training I went to in Brighton, an event arranged by the Grassroots Suicide Prevention charity. I had no idea what to expect but having already gone to a few other meetings I felt confident that it would be a safe, down to earth and positive environment.
It was fantastic to notice that most people at the event seemed to be from businesses, HR departments and health organisations or charities. I went along as a general member of the public and someone interested in becoming part of the ChangeMaker programme for Grassroots. Initially a lot of what is discussed seems common sense but actually so much of the point of the training is showing us that we can use and depend on our intuition should we have concerns about anybody. By using out senses and daring to ask the most obvious, perhaps uncomfortable, of questions can we start to help someone who may be struggling.

The one thing I learnt in all of this is that the more we talk about suicide and tell our stories the easier it gets to talk about suicide outside of these groups, to encourage others in our communities to do the same, to empower our children to be confident talking out mental health, to learn how to actively listen and to have a better idea of how to help.
Everyone should go on this training.
Thank you to Grassroots Suicide Prevention!