At Grassroots we love to make links with groups in the community – groups who are standing tall and doing something about mental illness and suicide prevention.
One such group is Sibling UK. We asked them to write some words to highlight the great work they do – below is also a link to a blog entry they wrote after having attended our Safe Talk Training. Here is Rebecca from Sibling UK:
“We set up Sibling Link after both our brothers suffered with mental ill health and realized – once we had opened up to each other, how important it was to talk – especially to someone who understands what how distressing it can be to watch or help a sibling go through this.
Sibling Link is a FREE resource, now part of the Brighton and Hove council’s Mental Health Carers Working Group.
We are a peer support group for anyone over 18 with a brother or sister who has struggled with mental illness.
It is widely acknowledged that talking with those who have been through a similar experience, can support and promote a sense of wellbeing and recovery.
The meetings are for the ‘well’ sibling. Their sibling may be living with one or more of a number of mental illnesses, they may have an official diagnosis, they may not. They may still be with us, they may not. What matters is how their mental ill health is affecting or has impacted their life. They may, or may not end up being their carer – they may or may not want to…. if they do, or if they are already, help is at hand to get them the right support. We can signpost them to the right resources.
Meetings: We meet on the first Thursday of every month in a rented room in Brighton. Everyone who attends is encouraged to share their story amongst those who will understand. We (Bex and Tash) facilitate the meetings, making sure each person feels safe and confident that they have the space and time to talk. More info here
Walk n Talk: There is a separate, monthly group for ANYONE (not limited to siblings) bereaved by suicide. Meetings are usually held outside for walks and a chat. More info here
Online: Sibling Link is also an online platform that allows anyone, carers or not, not limited to siblings, to access advice and information on how to stay well during times of crisis and practical help for their loved ones. It also provides a space within which to write your story – if you can’t attend a meeting, you can still share your story online.
And we have just launched our blog where we post latest resources, stories and thoughts every month. Please do have a look and share with anyone you think may benefit. “