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Starting the year with Grassroots Suicide Prevention

A message from Stella Comber, Chief Executive:

Hello lovely people and welcome to 2019 from Grassroots! We know that people approach the holiday period with all sorts of worries and that getting through this period can be tough.

Well done to everyone!

Grassroots' Chief Executive sits smiling at a desk.

And a special thank you to those who shared resources and made time to have a conversation or spend some time with someone who felt anxious or alone.

Of course, Christmas and New Year have their own challenges, but they are certainly not the only time that people feel vulnerable and might need support. So, the Grassroots team started this year with a challenge to ourselves:

Are we doing enough to prevent suicide in our community?

In the tradition of a new year we are inviting you to ask yourself the same:

Am I ready?

Am I equipped to have conversations that save lives?

What better challenge could you set yourself today.

This year we will be growing our community of Changemakers so there are more people who can help spread our message that its ok to talk about suicide. And that talking about suicide should be an essential part of our lives and our conversation.

You too can learn the skills and confidence to save lives.

We will be waiting to welcome you at one of our Real Talk workshops in 2019.

Find out more today at

In honour of you - Stella

There has been a 32% increase* in women's suicides

Globally, 250,000 women take their own lives every year. 

This World Suicide Prevention Day, you can help support women at risk by donating or training with us.

*between 2012-2022, ONS data