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What it’s like to be a Grassroots Runner – Spotlight on Melis Trimmer and the Sussex Uni Women’s Football Club

The Grassroots Runners are an amazing group of fundraisers who play a vital role in protecting our communities from suicide. Their fundraising breaks stigma, empowers communities and helps people get the support they need.

As this year’s Grassroots Runners kick off their training for the upcoming events, we look back at another one of our amazing 2020 runners – Melis Trimmer. Melis ran the Brighton Half Marathon alongside teammates from the University of Sussex Women’s Football Club. With 50mph winds and rain on the day, it wasn’t without its challenges. But the team’s resilience and drive for making a difference meant they were exceptional in their fundraising as well as their running.

We spoke to Melis about her experience running as part of the team, here’s what she had to say.

Which event did you take part in?

In 2020, I took part in the Brighton Half Marathon.

What made you want to support Grassroots?

Every year, the University of Sussex Women’s Football Club runs the Half Marathon for charity. As a club, we have done lots of work for mental health charities over the years as it is something that we’re passionate about. When checking the charity partners on the Brighton Half website, Grassroots instantly stood out to us as a charity we would like to support. We think the work you do is so important!

What does running mean to you?

For many of us at USWFC, football and exercise in general is a chance to escape the stresses of uni life and life in general, and have a good time with our friends. For me, personally, running is a time where I think about nothing but completing the challenge I have set out in front of me, and crossing the finish line always feels amazing.

“Finishing the Half Marathon was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.”

Four people standing in running gear on Brighton seafront.

What was the highlight of your marathon experience last year?

Finishing the Half Marathon was one of the most incredible experiences of my life so far. A half marathon is something I never thought I would do, and finally crossing the finish line felt incredible, along with knowing that I was doing it for a great cause. It was a lovely day – and amazing to celebrate afterwards!

What piece(s) of advice would you give to this year’s runners?

Train, you’ll thank yourself afterwards! And just enjoy it, it’s scary but so, so worth it.

Feeling inspired by Melis and her team? Join the Grassroots Runners and be part of our community of dedicated fundraisers.

Sign up here

Support the USWFC’s upcoming run here.

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