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Members of the band Insolace

The importance of asking “How are you, really?”: Interview with Conor Hyde of Insolace

Being proactive in bettering our own mental health is not easy. It takes time and dedication. Conor Hyde, guitarist for the alternative rock band Insolace, knows this well.

We spoke with Conor about where the band’s passion for mental health stems from, the inspiration behind their latest single Hold On, and why they’re donating this year’s streaming proceeds to Grassroots.

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‘When it is Darkest’: In conversation with Rory O’Connor

Rory O’Connor, Professor of Health and Psychology at the University of Glasgow, has dedicated over 25 years of his life to suicide prevention and research to combat harmful misconceptions around suicide and mental health. Rory spoke with Alex, our head of development here at Grassroots, about his new book ‘When it is Darkest.’

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A woman and man smiling, both holding Grassroots Runners vests.

Countdown to the 2021 Brighton Marathon

With the Brighton Marathon round the corner, we caught up with four of our incredible Grassroots Runners: Nina, Steven, Lucy, and John. They spoke to us about the ups and downs of training for a marathon, whether there have been any surprises along the way and how they’re feeling about the big day.

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AskNowSaveLives: Jonny Benjamin

Jonny Benjamin is an award-winning mental health campaigner, film producer, public speaker and author. When he was 20 he was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar. He has spoken publicly about living with mental illness as well as given various interviews in order to help educate and break the stigma. He has also produced and presented documentaries on the subjects of mental health and suicide.

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AskNowSaveLives: Liz Saville-Roberts

Liz Saville Roberts is the first ever woman MP in Plaid Cymru, the Party of Wales, she represents the constituency of Dwyfor Meirionnydd. She is the spokesperson for Home Affairs, Education, Health, Environment, Energy, Equalities and Government.
In her time in parliament, Liz has been a voice for issues like domestic violence, women’s rights, online bullying and many more. Recently, Liz has campaigned for more support and counselling in schools for students suffering mental health issues – a fast-growing problem among young people in the UK.

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Alastair Campbell

AskNowSaveLives: Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell’s career has taken him through many roles: journalist, broadcaster, special advisor and spokesman for the Labour party, and author who has openly written about his personal battle with depression and suicidal thoughts.
His most recent book ‘Living Better’ is an honest autobiographical account of his lifelong struggle with mental health issues, and how the pressures of his political career affected this.

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AskNowSaveLives: Jake Tyler

Jake Tyler is a mental health campaigner, advocate and writer. After reaching a point where depression and suicidal thoughts had engulfed his life, Jake reached out to a loved one, and with their support he made the decision to get help.
He has written his first book, ‘A Walk From The Wild Edge’ about taking back control of his life through his 3,000 mile journey around the UK, and along the way finding peace within himself and the world around him.

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Did you know 1 in 5 people will have suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives?

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